Bible Reading Checklist

Have you ever desired to read through the entire Bible in one year?  Now is the time to start thinking about this and praying. 

Will you understand everything you read??  No, probably not.  But that's OK. You'll understand some of it.  Even on the days when you are just reading the words and you feel like it is fruitless - keep going.  You may understand the next section more... or maybe not.

And that is still OK.

So, what WILL you get out of it??  

  • A consistent time of reading the Word. 
  • A general overview of the history in the Bible.
  • Amazing insights meant just for you.   They will surprise you when they come.  Really, they will! 

In order to help you with this challenge should you take it up.  Here are some Bible reading checklists.  Read the Bible through in one year.  The following PDF printables will help keep you on track.  Print out one month at a time or print the entire year with the one-year page.  


Do you think this is far too overwhelming?  Try just reading through the New Testament.  Or just commit to reading one chapter every day.  The point is this...  

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.   Joshua 1:8

Yearly Bible Reading Checklist on one page.

Bible reading checklist

Print this page on both sides and have one sheet for the entire year.

Monthly Bible Reading Checklists

Click on the following links to print up the schedule one month at a time.  

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